So, first off, what we have here is the Milwaukee skyline as seen from my roof off Oakland Avenue. Yes, my roof. I climb up on my roof. Because I can.
Next, we bike down Oakland to UWM. Here’s your definitive proof that I’m in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When I was a kid and my mom was getting her masters, I would sit in on the computer science classes she TA’d and take notes. Apparently, I took better notes that some of the students.

Turning down Downer Avenue, we have the iconic green

Continuing down the street, we enter Sendik’s Grocery, where I sneakily took a few photos of alcohol in a grocery store to highlight the differences between Wisconsin and Minnesota. I much rather would have gone into the liquor store across the street, where the cute guys work, but I was on assignment.

Across the street is Gil’s cafĂ©, site of my first real date. I was madly in love with the guy, but he pretty much ignored me, and I’m pretty sure he stopped calling me because he wasn’t getting any. Ahh, first love.

On the corner is Lixx’s Custard, where my sister works. She HATES it when people smush their faces up against the window to read the menu inside, so that is what I am doing in this picture. I don’t know if she was working this afternoon, but if she was, I guarantee she was saying, “What the??? God, my sister is such a dork. What the $*% is she doing?” Next door is my favorite bookstore, Schwartz’.

This? This is a bubbler.
Not a water fountain.