The City of Milwaukee launched this ad campaign this week (along with Serve Marketing, my new dream employer). My first reaction was that it was a striking and effective ad, but then I realized it was aimed at co-sleeping, not just putting babies to sleep on their backs. I know next to nothing about co-sleeping, but I have a feeling that there are healthy ways to co-sleep, and un-healthy ways to co-sleep. Putting a child in bed on their stomach would be one of those un-healthy ways, but so is putting them on their stomach in their cribs. I don't know that it's necessarily fair to confuse the two issues.
Plus, according to the City of Milwaukee's web page,
Between 2006 and 2009 there were 89 infant deaths related to SIDS, SUDI, or accidental suffocation. Of these 46 (51.7%) infants were sleeping in an adult bed at the time of their death.Meaning that 48.3 percent (or 43 babies) were not co-sleeping, but presumably in their cribs. Although I loathe to say that three infant's lives are statistically insignificant, the difference is. Half of these SIDS deaths occurred in cribs--where is the campaign to eliminate cribs?