Last night I was sitting in my cave, watching The Colbert Report (which I like much more than I thought I would), and the guest was "a linguist who..." I was about to shout "George!" (Funny how comfortable I feel refering to George Lakoff as "George." He's like a big, progressive grandpa teddy bear), but no, it was a guy named Geoffrey Numberg. He's written a book called
Talking RIght. I just bought it, along with Lakoff's new book, and Mary Pipher's Writing to Change the World. If I can managed to get to any of them, I'll post what I think about them. Right now I'm deep into week three of grad school.
Talking RIght. I just bought it, along with Lakoff's new book, and Mary Pipher's Writing to Change the World. If I can managed to get to any of them, I'll post what I think about them. Right now I'm deep into week three of grad school.