You want to know how I know this? I'm calling this photo "Dinner Parties Are Not An Option":

This contraption is a stove/sink/fridge combo. Yes, my stove is also my sink is also my fridge. This is the luxury for which I pay $1000 a month. Doesn't it just scream "efficiency basement apartment"? No? How about this:

This is my bathroom. Or my laundry room. I don't really know what to call it. I took this picture standing in the kitchen (which, by the way, also has a very big table and pantry). Yes, that's my shower. The green door is the toilet. The sink? Is the laundry basin. Brushing my teeth in the morning is quite interesting. Stay tuned for the day I accidentally reach for the laundry detergent instead of my soap.
Actually, in some ways this apartment kinda rocks. On a temporary basis.

This contraption is a stove/sink/fridge combo. Yes, my stove is also my sink is also my fridge. This is the luxury for which I pay $1000 a month. Doesn't it just scream "efficiency basement apartment"? No? How about this:

This is my bathroom. Or my laundry room. I don't really know what to call it. I took this picture standing in the kitchen (which, by the way, also has a very big table and pantry). Yes, that's my shower. The green door is the toilet. The sink? Is the laundry basin. Brushing my teeth in the morning is quite interesting. Stay tuned for the day I accidentally reach for the laundry detergent instead of my soap.
Actually, in some ways this apartment kinda rocks. On a temporary basis.