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Showing posts from January, 2007

Across the pond...

So Tesco supermarkets in the UK are going to label foods with their "carbon footprints." Or at least try. Which is more than you can say about any US food companies. What cracks me up most about this article from The Guardian is the tagline "We all know about food miles..." Ha. If only that appplied in this country. But then I wouldn't have a thesis to write.

How not to do it

WaPo has an interesting article this morning about the testimony of Cheney's communication's director at Libby's trial. Pretty much confirms what anyone in communications already guessed. Also, there was an article a few days ago on electronic campaigning that might interest you new media folks. Not me. I want my candidates giving speeches off the backs of train cars. Yes, that was sarcasm in my voice. I'm just so excited about 21 more months of this.

Okay, I've got a research project for someone

Good God, this was the best photo WaPo could get of Nancy Pelosi today? There wasn't one like, a second later, when she didn't look like she was about to sneeze? The article wasn't even about her specifically: it accompanied an article about new House legislation based on the 9/11 Report- hardly controversial stuff to the average American. So, my research question, open to any interested parties: start now (or November, your pick) and review photos of Nancy Pelosi in the media. I'm wondering if you'd find a "hysterical woman" theme. For the record, a quick Google Image search brought up what seemed to be the default Hastert look, "frumpy resignation":

A Comm Grad Student Goes to the Bookstore

Treked up to the Apple Store in Bethesda this afternoon. They couldn't help me with my broken power plug, but the shiny stores were alluring, so I wandered into Barnes and Noble. I found a plethora of interesting things: First, for my digital marketing friends, I found the book Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything by Don Tapscott. Over in the magazine section, I picked up Seed Magazine and found a cute little piece on their Science Blogs project. Check out our favorite framing professor in the top row between the phrenology head and the skeleton. My continuing interest in integrated marketing was then piqued by the Mother Jones Magazine Ad Nauseum piece on the evolution of product placement. And finally, I found another entry for the Someone-Beat-Me-To-It Column (or perhaps, better titled the Somethings-In-The-Water Column), an Earth Island Journal intern wrote an abridged version of my theory paper in an article called "Killer Spinach" in the Win...