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Feel free to abandon me...

It's 1:30 am, it's Friday night, and for some reason I come home from a party and I get online looking for social marketing sites. Am I in withdrawal from class? Whatever. I've discovered Deborah Schultz, a friend of Hugh's, and she's coined the term I've been looking for in all my digging on transparency, the long tail: "relationship marketing". She also started a account of related links, which I'll have to spend a good many hours exploring. Although her social networking map had one glaring error in that it is missing Facecrack. So on the issue of Web 2.0, I really don't know why I bother writing about it, since the five people reading this blog know more about it than I do. Besides, I need to get back to talking about framing, which is what this blog was supposed to be about.

Why yes, I was trying to get as many links as possible into this entry. I think I'm just giddy from having been able to finally hand out some business cards. Geektastic.


elizabeth said…
oooh, so the art gallery event was a business-card-handing-out tie factory too? ;-)

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