Okay, time for the requisite SOC student "I'm avoiding writing my comps" blog entry for the weekend. Found this column by Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe about re-framing the global warming debate (yes, found in a link from Framing Science), which is apt, since I was lying in bed last night arguing with the imaginary neocon in my head, "Fine! Even if you don't want to believe global warming isn't caused by humans, that it's part of a 'natural cycle', don't you still want to I dunno, do something to make sure this 'natural cycle' doesn't put Wall Street literally underwater?" As someone with anxiety issues, yes, framing it as imminent death versus something we can effect does have the effect of shutting people down.

Cartoon by Nick Anderson of the Houston Chronicle, Daryl Cagle's Cartoonists Index.

Cartoon by Nick Anderson of the Houston Chronicle, Daryl Cagle's Cartoonists Index.