Enough bloggers have already commented on the Democratic attempt to build a time machine back to 2002.
God help me, I managed to spend one uninterrupted hour working on my thesis. Having a blog does not to anything to quell my ability to procrastinate.
In both chambers, Democratic lawmakers are eager to take up binding legislation that would impose clear limits on U.S. involvement in Iraq after nearly four years of war. But Democrats remain divided over how to proceed. Some want to avoid the funding debate altogether, fearing it would invite Republican charges that the party is not supporting the troops. Others take a more aggressive view, believing the most effective way to confront President Bush's war policy is through a $100 billion war-spending bill that the president ultimately must sign to keep the war effort on track.My two cents? Doesn't this continue to make the Democrats in Congress look like exasperating children who just want it both ways? Then again, comparing Congress to children isn't exactly an original observation.
