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I know my procrastination has reached new heights when...

Anyone who's had more than a passing conversation with me knows that two things I really don't care about are football and cars. So what sent me Googleing this afternoon for a Chevy Super Bowl ad website?

Apparently, Chevy ran a contest for college students to design their Super Bowl ad- four of the five final teams were advertising and marketing majors from design programs. The winner? A freshman English major from the University of Milwaukee, who happens to know my sister. The kicker? She has absolutely no desire to go into advertising, even though she's been offered an internship with the biggest ad company in New York. Seasoned professionals would kill to have an ad of theirs run during the Super Bowl, and she's transferring to UW-Stevens Point, which, for those of you not familiar with the upper midwest, is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Its where you go if you want to be an English teacher.

Having read The Tipping Point, Blink, and Freakonmics in the last four days, I'm not surprised one bit. It does, however, make me wonder what the point of studying is.

I'll be doing my yearly Super Bowl ritual of muting the TV during the game (there was about five seconds during high school gym class where I understood the stupid game), and then turning the volume up for the commercials. At least this year, I can honestly say that watching the ads is part of my education.

UPDATE: No need to turn on the tv at all.


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