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Busy signal...

Today I joined not one, but two social networking sites--Pownce and Ravelry. I'm geeking out, even though I'm on dial-up, and am probably going to end up spending the entire weekend adding my knitting projects to Ravelry. Oh, I didn't mention is was a knitting network? Yeah, I meant it when I said I was geeking out. But not before I finish Harry Potter...


Anonymous said…
I'm just kind of picturing you in a rocking chair, knitting with a kitty on your lap. The house is quiet and dark except for the light reading lamp just back and to the right and the flickering from the fireplace.

In the corner of the room is your ancient macintosh computer with your AOL dial-up and the outdated printer which only uses the paper with the perforated edges.

Every now and again, you sip some herbal tea and consider picking up the book, checked out from the library, with the inspirational bookmark with a long string of yarn attached to the end of it.

Am I close?
Erin Elizabeth said…
Ouch. Um, yeah. Kinda close. No cat, though.
Anonymous said…
well, i thought it was a very nice picture, indeed. peaceful, content, though maybe a little lonely. (especially without the kitten!) but the kind of loneliness that's filled with wonderful memories. there's no need to say "ouch."

if it would make you feel better, i'll put a disco ball on the ceiling.

by the way, your profile says you're 251 years old. now that's just silly.
Erin Elizabeth said…
251? Gosh. That's, um, really far off. I'm actually 147.

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